Thank you for visiting our Big Al Baltimore website. Our goal is to provide you with a convenient way to learn about Attorney Big Al, The Law Office of Richard Klein, and to provide more methods to contact us.
This website has been prepared for informational purposes only and is not intended to be regarded as legal or medical advice or counsel.
People visiting this site should obviously not act or refrain from acting in reliance on any content included in this site. Readers should instead always seek appropriate legal or other professional advice based on the particular facts and circumstances and law applicable in the visitor’s case and from an attorney licensed to practice in the visitor’s state or jurisdiction. The content of this website contains general information and does not reflect a complete statement of the law on a given subject. While we review all content posted, our content may not reflect the most current legal developments or the laws applicable in the visitor’s particular state or jurisdiction.
If you have a specific need or question, please call your own attorney or contact a lawyer at the Law Office of Richard Klein whether through this website or otherwise. By creating or maintaining this website, our firm does not enter into a lawyer-client relationship with any person, firm, corporation, or other entity visiting this site or reviewing or receiving any materials contained in or at this site.
Our office is based in Maryland and all of our lawyers are barred in Maryland and in some cases other jurisdictions such as Washington, DC, and Virginia.
Submitting a form or any information over our live chat does not create an attorney-client relationship. Before signing a representation agreement, communications with our law firm do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon by you.